Saturday 21 June 2014

Tervigon - Finished

I've tried to take a different approach to my painting over the last week or so and have attempted a "little and often" approach of doing at least a few minutes every evening, rather than trying to find time for a longer session. So far, its working quite well as I have got a lot of base coating done on a variety of different 'gaunts, 'thropes and 'fexes and have finished the set of numbered objective markers (forgot to take any pics of those). I have also just finished painting this Tervigon, I originally started it a long time ago (probably over a year ago) so Im glad to have finally managed to find the time to tick this one off the list.

I tried playing about with an old bottle of some sort of Water Effect stuff that I'd had on the shelf for a while, quite pleased with the slimey looking outcome

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